Essentials of Tire Inventory Control


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Tire Inventory Control

Inventory control has numerous benefits for a business; however, it does not have to be complicated. By following some simple guidelines and with the use of new & used tire inventory software, you can effectively manage the stocks in your tire shop. Such software is the need of today’s fast-paced businesses, where stores are not only selling goods physically but also a large portion of the transaction occurs over the internet. Used tire and wheel inventory software ease the burden of online tire selling stores helping manage and track the stock with ease. In this blog, we will discuss the basics of tire inventory control and its benefits to your business.

Proper Cataloging of New & Used Tires

Cataloging the tire and feeding the information into the new & used tire inventory management program is the first process in tire inventory control. This is a simple process, which can be completed rather quickly. However, businesses new to tire inventory control skip over details that can be highly beneficial down the line. All the information such as the tire size, brand, tread depth, model, and other details should be cataloged. Good software includes the features of recording all these information in an efficient and simple manner. Some software also includes the feature of recording the image of the tire, which is beneficial for an online store.

The last but highly important cataloging function of a used tire inventory system is to suggest the location to store the stock. The software should indicate the available free space, knowing the rack and row to store the inventory. This will help save a lot of time in labor cost and make the process of moving stock more efficient.

Labeling the Inventory

After you are done with cataloging, the next step that is often overlooked is labeling of the stock for quick identification of the tire. The software should be capable of printing labels including all the details of the tire and should be large enough to be visible from a distance. A label provides several benefits. One such benefit is it allows you to identify if the stock has been cataloged or not and where it should be located in the warehouse. Generally, labels include barcodes, which can be scanned during checkout.

A Reliable Search Tool

A new & used tire inventory management program pays-off when responding to customer inquiries. Good software will allow you to make simple and complex searches into your inventory efficiently within seconds saving precious time which can mean business or a lost client. The software should allow you to perform searches based on any criteria such as the tire size, price, model, brand, vehicle fitment, and location. The result of the search should also indicate the shelf and the row where the tire is stored.

The Final Step – Sales

The final step in any inventory control is making sales to the customers and updating the status of the stock in the new & used tire inventory management program. This is usually performed as a step in the process of customer invoicing. In the software, the stock is marked as sold.

A complete tire inventory control software will address all the points discussed above and much more. The software should also be able to integrate with the accounting software and other tools used by the business.

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