5 Reasons You Might Be Using Your Eye Cream Wrong

Jaylin Khan

5 Reasons You Might Be Using Your Eye Cream Wrong

Discover common mistakes in using eye cream and learn simple solutions to ensure effective application for healthier, more radiant eyes.

Eye cream is an essential part of any skincare routine, especially if you have sensitive skin around your eyes. However, many people unknowingly misuse their eye cream, which can lead to ineffective results or even irritation. In this blog, we’ll explore five common reasons why you might be using your eye cream wrong and provide simple solutions to help you get the most out of this vital skincare product.

Applying Too Much Product:

         One of the most common mistakes people make when using eye cream is applying too much product. The skin around the eyes is delicate and thin, so using too much cream can overwhelm the area and cause irritation. Instead, use a pea-sized amount of eye cream for both eyes. Gently dab the cream onto your ring finger and then lightly tap it around the orbital bone, avoiding direct contact with the eyelids.

Rubbing or Pulling on the Skin:

         Another mistake many people make is rubbing or pulling on the skin while applying eye cream. This can stretch and damage the delicate skin around the eyes, leading to premature aging and fine lines. Instead, use a gentle tapping motion to apply the cream, starting from the inner corner of the eye and working your way outward. Be sure to use light pressure and avoid tugging or pulling on the skin.

Applying in the Wrong Order:

         The order in which you apply your skincare products can impact their effectiveness. If you’re applying eye cream after heavier creams or serums, it may not be able to penetrate the skin properly. To ensure maximum absorption, apply your eye cream after cleansing and toning but before moisturizer or sunscreen. This allows the eye cream to penetrate the skin effectively and provide optimal hydration and protection.

Neglecting the Under-Eye Area:

         Many people focus solely on the area directly under the eyes when applying eye cream, but the entire eye area needs attention. Be sure to extend the cream up to the brow bone and out towards the temples to address fine lines and wrinkles and prevent sagging skin.

Using the Wrong Type of Eye Cream:

Not all eye creams are created equal, and using the wrong type of cream for your skin concerns can be ineffective or even harmful. If you have sensitive skin, opt for a fragrance-free and hypoallergenic eye cream formulated specifically for delicate skin. There are various gentle ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, and peptides, that offer gentle hydration without causing irritation. You must avoid eye cream for sensitive skin with harsh chemicals or irritants like alcohol, fragrances, or essential oils because they may lead to sensitivity or inflammation.


Using eye cream for sensitive skin correctly is essential for maintaining healthy, youthful-looking skin around the eyes. By avoiding common mistakes like applying too much product, rubbing or pulling on the skin, applying in the wrong order, neglecting the under-eye area, and using the wrong type of cream, you can ensure that your eye cream is effectively hydrating, protecting, and nourishing your delicate eye area. Consider the above simple tips to get the most out of your eye cream and keep your eyes looking refreshed.

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