The Most Popular Gifs to Ever Exist

Jaylin Khan

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Most Popular Gifs

Why do we even need GIFs? That’s an excellent question with an even better answer.

Finding a GIF for a conversation can be more fun on a conversation. GIFs are an excellent way to express our happiness, shock, and sadness. They can help grow bonds between people and make our favorite shows more enjoyable and memorable.

That’s why we have compiled a list of the most popular GIFs to ever exist. Read on to discover and use the best GIFs online.

Ruby Gloom

Ruby Gloom is one of the most popular GIFs to ever exist. The animated character first gained popularity in 2006, when it was featured extensively on websites such as 4chan and Reddit.

The GIF features the beloved character from the Canadian cartoon series with the same name. Ruby Gloom is a kind and cheerful goth girl who lives in a Victorian mansion.

She loves her friends, loves to help them in any way she can, and always has a positive attitude. The GIF of her bright and cheery face is often shared to spread positive vibes and bring a smile to people’s faces.

The Morphing Power of Distracted Boyfriend

The “Distracted Boyfriend” has become versatile and applicable to a vast number of situations, but the original version has held its own. The potential for the use of this meme has been extended further by the morphing power of this gif.

The photo of the distracted boyfriend and his two admirers can be infused with various customizable elements, allowing users to create a meme that accurately communicates the message they wish to relay.

The versatility, relatability, and hilarity provided by the Distracted Boyfriend meme have earned it a well-deserved place among the most popular gifs of all time.

The Undying Fame of Grumpy Cat

Grumpy Cat’s sour expressions have become one of the trending gifs. Simply typing the words “grumpy cat” generates hundreds of thousands of results on most major search engines.

Whether it’s the “Grumpy Cat can’t unsee” cartoon or the “I had fun once it was awful” meme, the Grumpy Cat conveys a powerful and humorous message that even lives on after her death.

Grumpy Cat’s stardom has become the very definition of internet fame and recognition, proving her undying fame with an ever-growing library of famous GIFs.


The popular Ermahgerd meme began when an image of the nerdy girl holding books to her chest while saying ‘Ermahgerd’ was posted on Reddit in 2012.

The meme was often accompanied by words such as ‘Gersberms’ and ‘Mershed Perderders.’ It instantly went viral, becoming an internet phenomenon.

The meme has been the subject of endless parodies and jokes, with the image being used by everyday people and famous influencers alike. Ermahgerd will no doubt remain one of the most popular gifs of all time.

Though GIFs are often created by specialized producers, anyone can make a GIF to brighten up conversations, spread joy, and even create new memories.

Use the Most Popular GIFs Now

All GIFs are celebrated for their own reasons, but created these iconic and most popular gifs will forever be remembered for the funny, quirky, and comedic moments that they represent.

Download and share your own GIFs today and be part of the GIF revolution that has taken the internet by storm!

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