What games can you play together with friends

Jaylin Khan

What games can you play together with friends

Each player decides for himself which projects to play and which format to choose for this, and for everyone who wants to play not alone, there are variations.

For example, what can three players play at the same time? Single-player games can be dismissed out of hand, but there are plenty of MMOs and session games to consider playing.

Considering that most formats are designed for four people, we will primarily consider those projects that allow three people to fully play, without the need to pick up and play with random players. Then, of course, you can list the remaining games according to their degree of interest, and not by the number of players.

Destiny 2

The project from the Bungie company has an almost ideal format for playing with three players, since it features three main classes with the ability to choose branch roles and go through most dungeons, events and tasks with three players.

Destiny 2 will appeal to many players because it is a shooter with MMO RPG elements, that is, each player has the opportunity to personally influence the outcome of each battle if he not only activates the skills of his class, but also shoots accurately.

You can choose one of three classes:

  • Titan
  • Warlock
  • Hunter

It is ideal if in your group each player takes one representative of each class and thus you will have a full-fledged combat group for completing quests, grinding monsters, and farming raids.

Raids should be given special attention since this is an interesting gameplay, which, contrary to recommendations, can be completed by three people, if the group is cunning, attentive, and organized enough, or order destiny 2 raid carry to collect all the rewards and gradually move on to independent gaming.


This is a defensive class that can attack opponents, but the main feature is considered to be a blocking shield that can cover allies and absorb most of the damage, freeing up the hands of all attacking classes.


This is a shooter with magic abilities and the ability to heal allies and enhance all effects, or inflict massive damage on opponents.

This is a stable attacking class for AoE damage with the support of a tank, which will gather all the enemies in one heap and give the warlock the opportunity to shoot them all and cover him from damage if necessary.


This is a ranged marksman who can use firearms for long-range attacks, or melee weapons for close-quarters combat.

It is worth immediately noting that the hunter is considered one of the most popular classes in Destiny 2 due to high single damage, variability in the choice of roles, and attack range.

If desired, you can use camouflage and traps to get closer to the enemy, or vice versa for a tactical retreat.

The Hunter is the most popular character also because of the raid system since he is able to deal stable damage to single targets, which is especially useful in raids and strikes.


If you love team games, then you will love the strikes and raids format in Destiny 2.

These are temporary zones with a large number of monsters of varying difficulty, led by a boss.

You must enter the territory, understand the basic mechanics by which the head of the dungeon defends himself from invasion, dodge deadly skills and negative effects, and constantly inflict damage on the boss and his retinue, preventing him from regenerating his health.

For defeating an enemy, your squad will receive random equipment, weapons, or other character boosters, but with a random chance.

Raids are a great way to get buffs for your heroes and add a challenging element to your gameplay, especially if you’re taking on Mythic difficulty, where the slightest mistake will result in failure, but the reward if successful is potentially Legendary.

Trial of Osiris

This is a PVP mode designed for three players, which will give you the ideal opportunity to play with three people, have fun fighting with other teams and get a chance to earn legendary equipment or weapons as part of the season.

The format is quite simple – you play short rounds on small maps in 3×3 mode, where the task is not only to win, but also to do it several times in a row in order to qualify for the season’s reward – a legendary weapon or equipment.

You need to get 7 wins in a row for the best reward. The quick match format does not make this task any easier, but with more attempts, you can achieve what you want.

Diablo 4

The uniqueness of Diablo lies not only in the interesting dark fantasy setting and clearing dungeons and locations of demons but also in the ability to play with any number of players on one team without harming the gameplay.

The format is that all game zones and locations are adjusted to the total number of players in your group. The density of monsters and experience from each of them is growing.


You will go through acts – these are stages in the development of the plot of the world of Diablo 4, which will be marked by various events and the elimination of strong bosses and monsters that are demons or serve them.

When you complete all the acts, the D4 plot will be considered complete, but the game will not end there. You will move to other difficulty levels, continue to progress in the level, and receive more and more valuable types of weapons and armor, as well as amplifiers for them.


You need to beat Diablo 4 at least three times to catch up with the best players and unlock PVP mode and world bosses, which are still fun and profitable to farm with a group of three players.

The most interesting PVP and events take place at the final difficulty level – Hell.

Many enemies will have resistance to one, two, or even three classes and hero types, so sometimes even a group of three players will have a hard time breaking through this defense.

Dungeons and Fortresses

You will be able to clear dungeons to open passages to other locations or to receive a reward – a chest with rare random loot is in the last room of most dungeons.

Fortresses are a new mechanic that allows players to receive territorial rewards and bonuses for clearing a specific fortress.

You need to take into account that the fortress has a larger number of defenders and a gradation of monsters inside it which will not be easy to pass, especially if you run into it headlong.

By the way, both in the fortress and in the dungeon, there is also an increase in experience and strength for each player who is on the team.

The best option would be a mage, demon hunter, and druid. You will have all three types of damage, the ability to absorb damage due to the form of the beast, and healing.

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