Your Guide to Creating Website Copy

Jaylin Khan

Creating Website

These days, it feels like writing has gone somewhat unappreciated online.  Maybe it’s because of the prominence of AI writing tools or something like that, but it’s easy to underestimate just how important having good copy on your website can be.  Unfortunately, it’s a lot easier said than done.

Let’s face it – there’s just no comparing real writing to what an AI can generate.  Those tools really can’t compare since they’re not coming up with original ideas.  It’s all just regurgitated and rearranged concepts that have already been done.  That’s one of the many reasons we should turn to human innovation instead.

Now, if you didn’t already know, there’s actually a market for hiring copywriters to help out with this sort of thing.  It shouldn’t come as a surprise hopefully, seeing as the content on our websites is often what draws customers in and entices them to perform whatever action that we want them to do.  That’s known as a “conversion” in the world of e-commerce.

Whether you’re looking for content for a blog, for a virtual store, or something in between, there are plenty of ways to create it.  Today, we’ll largely be focusing on hiring copywriters, and why it’s a better option than using generation tools or something like that. 

What is “Copy” For a website?

The first thing that we need to get into, of course, is what the actual definition of “copy” is.  There is a difference between content writing and copywriting, so it’s a surprisingly important distinction.  In particular, copy is written with the intent to persuade a visitor to perform an action of some sort.

Usually, that’s making a purchase or signing onto a newsletter, or something in that vein.  The idea here is that it’s persuasive writing with a clear purpose.  In contrast, content writing is more informative or entertaining – this article is “content” rather than “copy,” if you want an example!

Common Instances of Copywriting

Just to ensure that everyone is on the same page here, let’s go over some of the other examples of copywriting that first come to mind.  One of the big ones is the marketing email.  Realistically, these are some of the most critical pieces of marketing that a company can put out – you’d be amazed by how many consumers are drawn in when the marketing emails are written compellingly. 

There’s plenty more, though – landing pages, product pages, and even text message marketing can all be considered “copy.”  Are you starting to see why this sort of stuff is so important?  It’s just not a great idea to slap it together haphazardly and hope for the best.

Why is Marketing Such a Big Deal?

Obviously, the primary purpose of this style of content is marketing.  It’s super clear as far as the emails and text messages go, but even the most minute of details on a website can be utilized as marketing space.  That’s what professional copywriters are here to do: to help you refine your webspace into the best that it can be. 

It’s an ongoing process, too, as you can probably imagine.  Again, that’s why it can be so helpful to have a team to assist you with this sort of thing – that way, you can be confident that you will have coverage for the website in the future as well as right now.  After all, the world of online marketing is constantly evolving.  As businesses, we need to change at the same pace to keep up with the demands of our customers.

There’s a lot of information about how that works if you click here, for anyone who’s still feeling a bit uncertain about this whole thing.  What’s most important for creating this style of writing, whether you’re hiring a team or trying it yourself, is to keep sight of your main purpose.  That purpose will vary to a certain extent depending on your business but will always involve persuasion.

What Else Should You Know?

Now, when you’re working with a copywriting team, you probably should be aware of some of the key terminology involved.  Perhaps the most important thing is SEO, otherwise known as search engine optimization.  Often, one of the trickiest parts about writing copy is ensuring that it’s also SEO-friendly.

When you’re trying to decide which copywriting company to work with, that’s something to keep an eye on.  If they don’t have anything about that on their website, it should probably give you pause.  Search for a group that really knows their stuff when it comes to marketing online.  Naturally, that should include a mastery of SEO and the techniques involved in making a site optimized for search engines.

Is there anything else, though?  Let’s briefly cover some of the other things you can expect a copywriting service to provide for you.  Ideally, they’ll be able to provide you with content that’s both high quality and engaging.  What might that look like, though?

Proper grammar, punctuation, and the like are pretty much a given here, so it’s safe to consider that the bare minimum.  Hopefully, you can find a writer who can bring that to the table and more.  Don’t be afraid to ask for samples when getting a consultation to make sure that you like their style as well!

Although it’s easy to forget, even copywriting needs to be written well and include some personal style.  This makes it much more palatable for your audience and helps them feel like your business is not just another nameless or faceless corporation.  It’s also part of what sets real writing apart from artificial intelligence-generated copy.

So, if you’ve been uncertain about whether or not you want to improve your website’s content, hopefully, this article has helped you make that decision.  While it’s not the easiest thing to do, if you get the help and support of a team, it can become much more manageable.

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